
Serving the Community


How we communicate and what we do:


Watson Killiney Residents Association issue 4 Newsletters each year:

Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter.

The Newsletter highlights the activities for each season. It is delivered to each home and copies of the current and previous seasons can be accessed on this website.

Neighbourhood Watch Text Alert Scheme run by a Co-Ordinator 3 committee members & 7 (non committee) residents who send texts alerting residents of incidents on the estate, reminding residents to follow the Crime Prevention guidelines as advised by An Garda Síochána (details on our website).

Liaise with Community Garda – This is the role of the Co-Ordinator on the Neighbourhood Watch Text Alert Scheme, who highlights issues and seeks advice from the Community Garda.

Website. Our website gives an overview of all the work done by Watson Killiney Residents Association and contact details.

facebook icon Our FB page allows us to connect with residents on a daily basis as required.

Estate Management

Watson Killiney Residents Association

  • Liaise with many departments within DLRCoCo :
  • Parks Dept, - Wild Flower planting, grass cutting.
  • Cleansing Dept - for drain issues
  • Graffiti removal - as required
  • Road Maintenance - as required

Grass Cutting/Trimming back of hedges/Weeding.

This work is done by a company employed by WKRA in areas not covered by DLRCoCo.

There are 4/5 designated Clean-Up Days with the help and support of residents & their families. The Clean-Up days commence at 9:30 on Saturdays and are advertised in the WKRA Newsletter, our website & FB page and road signage at Churchview Road/Church Road junction.

Litter & Environmental Awareness

WKRA participate in the Tidy Districts Competition each year.

We organise regular Litter picking afternoons or evenings.

Links on our website to the DLRCoCo Environmental Awareness Information in our Newsletter.


– Newsletter, flyers and signage as required.

Annual Subscription - Collection

This is to fund the up-keep of the estate. This will take place in April 2020.

Committee members plus a group of residents/volunteers call door to door to collect the annual subscription.

Prior to the collection, WKRA envelopes are delivered with the Spring Newsletter to each home (requiring your name & first line of your address.) The envelope should be sealed and handed to the collector. The subscription remains at €20

All our collection callers will carry WKRA ID. The collector will issue a receipt.

Coming Events in Dun Laoghaire Rathdown